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# A simple library to render Haiku Vector Icons
:warning: **Do not use this library. It is not ready yet.**
The [Haiku](https://www.haiku-os.org) operating system uses a custom
format to represent vector icons. The Haiku Vector Icon Format
(hvif) is optimized to create tiny files that can be saved with
the file metadata. For a good technical overview of the format see
blog post by Leah Hanson. The goal of this library is to allow the
usage of this format independent of the Haiku ecosystem.
The library is written in modern standard C and MIT licensed. When
finished it will feature a parser and rasterizer without any dependencies
beyond `libc`. Furthermore, a toy tool to convert *hvif* files into *png*
files is included.
The author is not associated with the Haiku project.
## Current State
The library is currently under heavy development. The current parser
should be able to parse *hvif* files created with current Haiku builds,
but is mostly untested. There is no standalone rasterizer yet, but an
experimental rasterizer based on [cairo](https://www.cairographics.org/)
is included. The purpose of this rasterizer is testing. It is not feature
complete, but renders most real world icons reasonably well.
The next step is the preparation of a testing infrastructure. This should
be done before work on the rasterizer begins.
## Compiling
The build system is standard auto tools. To compile on a fresh clone run:
$ autoreconf -i
$ ./configure
$ make -j
Since no sensible functionality independent of cairo is implemented as of now,
cairo is a hard dependency. On NixOS the included `shell.nix` script can be
used to bring the dependencies and a couple of development tools intos cope.
HTML documentation can be generated with `make html` if Doxygen is
## Contribution
Contributions are very welcome. Please send patches or bugreports to
`commits@schurr.at`. If you are unfamiliar with the Email based git
workflow, see [this](https://git-send-email.io/) excellent tutorial.