129 lines
3.3 KiB
129 lines
3.3 KiB
% Macros
% colors from draw.io
% tl;dr:
% \t{this is a todo}
% \q{this is a question}
% \ie, \eg, \ok (makes a checkmark), \etc
%collaborator comments
\textcolor{#1}{#2 - #3}
% collaborators: add your initials here and pick a color
% todos
\color{red!70}\vrule width 3pt%
TODO\@: #1%
\color{teal!70}\vrule width 3pt%
NOTE\@: #1%
% expressions
\newcommand{\vs}{vs. }
\newcommand{\etal}{{et al.}\xspace}
% Acronyms
\glsdisablehyper %no links for glossary / acronyms
\newacronym{art}{ART}{Android Runtime}
\newacronym{apk}{APK}{Android Package}
\newacronym{ndk}{NDK}{Native Development Kit}
\newacronym[longplural={Third Party Libraries}]{tpl}{TPL}{Third Party Library}
\newacronym{oat}{OAT}{Of Ahead Time} % m) https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28435860/what-does-oat-mean -- the history android names deserve some research someday (D8, dalvik, ..)
\newacronym{elf}{ELF}{Executable and Linkable Format}
\newacronym[shortplural={DEXes}]{dex}{DEX}{Dalvik Executable}
% names for the tools we work with