/** * \file hvif-light.h * \author Hans-Jörg Schurr * * \brief Parse a \a hvif images. * * This library provides functions for parsing Haiku Vector Icon * files. The parser should be able to parse any files generated by Haiku * as of April 2020. It is, however, wholly untested and should not be * used. It most likely contains horrible bugs. During parsing some * basic checks for consistency of the image data are performed. But * not everything is checked. For example, paths might be invalid. */ #ifndef HVIF_LIGHT_H #define HVIF_LIGHT_H #include #include #include /** \typedef The general result type. */ typedef enum hvif_status { SUCCESS = 0, /**< The image has been parsed into memory. */ ERROR_EOF, /**< The file ended before parsing finished. */ ERROR_NOMEM, /**< Not enough memory could be allocated. */ ERROR_MAGIC, /**< The magic number of the file is wrong. */ ERROR_STYLE, /**< A style related error occurred. */ ERROR_PATH, /**< A path related error occurred. */ ERROR_SHAPE, /**< A shape related error occurred. */ ERROR_NULL_OUT /**< A pointer used for results was NULL. */ } hvif_status; /** * \typedef Opaque structure to reference a parsed image. * An API to inspect the image will be provided later. */ typedef struct hvif_image hvif_image; /** * \typedef Captures the result of parsing: a status code together with the * image. */ typedef struct hvif_result hvif_result; struct hvif_result { hvif_status status; /**< Indicates success or an error in parsing. */ hvif_image* image; /**< The image structure. NULL if parsing failed. */ }; /** * \brief Parses a \a hvif image from a file. * \param[in] file A valid file handler. * \return A `hvif_result` structure. A status other then SUCCESS indicates * an error. In this case the image is NULL. Otherwise the image needs * to be freed. A success does not indicate that the image is renderable. */ hvif_result hvif_from_file(FILE* file); /** * \brief Frees the memory of the image datastructures. * \param[in] image An image pointer returned by a previous call to * `hvif_from_file`. Can be NULL. */ void hvif_free(hvif_image* image); /** * \defgroup Inspection API to inspect images * @{ */ /** * \brief Returns the number of styles of a \a hvif image. * \param[in] file A valid image. * \return The number of styles in the image. */ uint8_t hvif_num_styles(hvif_image* image); /** * \brief Returns the number of paths of a \a hvif image. * \param[in] file A valid image. * \return The number of paths in the image. */ uint8_t hvif_num_paths(hvif_image* image); /** * \brief Returns the number of shapes of a \a hvif image. * \param[in] file A valid image. * \return The number of shapes in the image. */ uint8_t hvif_num_shapes(hvif_image* image); /** \typedef Gradient types used by HVIF. */ typedef enum hvif_gradients_type { HVIF_GRADIENT_LINEAR = 0, /**< A linear gradient. A solid color is a linear gradient with only one stop */ HVIF_GRADIENT_CIRCULAR, /**< A circular gradient. */ HVIF_GRADIENT_DIAMOND, /**< A diamond gradient. */ HVIF_GRADIENT_CONIC, HVIF_GRADIENT_XY, HVIF_GRADIENT_SQRT_XY, HVIF_GRADIENT_TYPE_MAX /**< The number of valid gradient types. */ } hvif_gradients_type; /** * \brief Returns the gradient type of a style. * \param[in] file A valid image. * \param[in] style The index of the style. * \param[out] type The gradient type of the style. * \return ERROR_STYLE if this style does not exist. */ hvif_status hvif_style_gradient_type( hvif_image* image, uint8_t style, hvif_gradients_type* type); /** * \brief Returns the number of gradient stops of a style. * \param[in] file A valid image. * \param[in] style The index of the style. * \param[out] num_stops The number of stops. * \return ERROR_STYLE if this style does not exist. */ hvif_status hvif_style_num_stops( hvif_image* image, uint8_t style, uint8_t* num_stops); /** \typedef A color. */ typedef struct hvif_color hvif_color; struct hvif_color { uint8_t red; uint8_t green; uint8_t blue; uint8_t alpha; }; /** \typedef A gradient stop: a color and an offset between 0.0 and 1.0. */ typedef struct hvif_gradient_stop hvif_gradient_stop; struct hvif_gradient_stop { hvif_color color; /**< The color of the gradient stop. */ float offset; /**< The offset of the stop between 0.0 and 1.0. */ }; /** * \brief Returns a gradient stop. * \param[in] file A valid image. * \param[in] style The index of the style. * \param[in] stop The index of the stop. * \param[out] stop The gradient stop. * \return ERROR_STYLE if this style or stop index does not exist. */ hvif_status hvif_style_stop( hvif_image* image, uint8_t style, uint8_t stop, hvif_gradient_stop* gradient_stop); /** \typedef An affine transformation matrix. */ typedef struct hvif_matrix hvif_matrix; struct hvif_matrix { double xx; double yx; double xy; double yy; double x0; double y0; }; /** * \brief Returns the transformation applied to a style. * \param[in] file A valid image. * \param[in] style The index of the style. * \param[out] transformation The transformation matrix. * \return ERROR_STYLE if this style does not exist. */ hvif_status hvif_style_transformation( hvif_image* image, uint8_t style, hvif_matrix* transformation); /** * \brief Returns the number of poins in a path. * \param[in] file A valid image. * \param[in] path The index of the path. * \param[out] points The number of points. * \return ERROR_PATH if this path does not exist. */ hvif_status hvif_path_num_points( hvif_image* image, uint8_t path, uint8_t* points); /** * \brief Checks if the path is closed. * \param[in] file A valid image. * \param[in] path The index of the path. * \param[out] closed If the path is a closed path. * \return ERROR_PATH if this path does not exist. */ hvif_status hvif_path_closed( hvif_image* image, uint8_t path, bool* closed); /** \typedef A 2D point. */ typedef struct hvif_point hvif_point; struct hvif_point { float x; float y; }; /** * \brief Returns a copy of the poins in a path including the control points. * \param[in] file A valid image. * \param[in] path The index of the path. * \param[out] points The points and control points. * \return ERROR_PATH if this path does not exist. ERROR_NOMEM if points * list could not be allocated. * \remark There are two control point per point. Hence the length * of the array is 3 * num_points. */ hvif_status hvif_path_points( hvif_image* image, uint8_t path, hvif_point** points); /** \typedef Line joins supported by HVIF. */ typedef enum hvif_line_join { MITER_JOIN = 0, MITER_JOIN_REVERT = 1, ROUND_JOIN = 2, BEVEL_JOIN = 3, MITER_JOIN_ROUND = 4, HVIF_LINE_JOIN_TYPE_MAX } hvif_line_join; /** \typedef Line caps supported by HVIF. */ typedef enum hvif_line_cap { BUTT_CAP, SQUARE_CAP, ROUND_CAP, HVIF_LINE_CAP_TYPE_MAX } hvif_line_cap; /** \typedef Transformers supported by HVIF. */ typedef enum hvif_transformer_type { HVIF_TRANSFORMER_TYPE_MIN = 19, HVIF_TRANSFORMER_TYPE_AFFINE = 20, HVIF_TRANSFORMER_TYPE_CONTOUR = 21, HVIF_TRANSFORMER_TYPE_PERSPECTIVE = 22, HVIF_TRANSFORMER_TYPE_STROKE = 23, HVIF_TRANSFORMER_TYPE_MAX = 24 } hvif_transformer_type; /**@}*/ #endif /* HVIF_LIGHT_H */